[*] currently reading, [+] recommended, [-] annoying


Challenge: 24


Challenge: 20
Completed: 13

  1. Crichton, Michael 'The Terminal Man'
  2. + Orwell, George '1984'
  3. * Hayakawa, S.I. 'Language in Thought and Action'
  4. Kafka, Franz, 'The Metamorphosis'
  5. Crockford, Douglas 'JavaScript: The Good Parts'
  6. * Sussman et al., 'SICP'
  7. + Orwell, George 'Animal Farm'
  8. Dawkins, Richard 'The Greatest Show on Earth'
  9. * Sompayrac, Lauren M. 'How the Immune System Works'
  10. Wodehouse, P. G. 'The Code of the Woosters'
  11. + Khandekar, V. S. 'Yayati: A Classic Tale of Lust'
  12. - Gladwell, Malcolm 'The Tipping Point'
  13. Camus, Albert 'The Outsider'
  14. Murakami, Haruki 'Kafka On The Shore'
  15. + Duhigg, Charles 'The Power of Habit'
  16. + Schrödinger, Erwin, 'What is Life?'


  1. + Mistry, Rohinton 'A Fine Balance'
  2. Premchand 'Godan'

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